Moving from one tree to another several meters above the ground - completely independently and under one's own responsibility - is enjoyable and fun, but it can also constitute an activity risky for one's own safety and therefore implies compliance with numerous mandatory rules on the part of each user.RULES OF GENERAL PARK BEHAVIOR AND SAFETY RULES

  1. The user must be in good mental and physical shape, not present heart problems, have not ingested for at least 48 hours behavior-altering substances (alcohol, drugs, drugs, etc.) and not be prone to dizziness.
  2. The user must carefully follow what is reported and explained during the mandatory introductory course ("briefing") which instructs and informs about the conditions of use of the route acrobatics and the technique to be followed during the routes also through first experimentation on the test course. At the sole discretion of the staff in charge, the user who is not assessed as fit after the test route will be reimbursed by the organization as he/she will not be allowed access to the Adventure Park routes
  3. The user must strictly adhere to the safety concepts described during the briefing
  4. It is mandatory to remain permanently anchored to the safety cable. In transitions from one game to another, it is mandatory to always keep docked at least one of the two safeties. Customers who are found with the safeties not properly fastened, will be immediately removed from the facilities, without the right to any refund.
  5. The user must scrupulously use the PPE (personal protective equipment) that will be delivered with the park entrance ticket.
  6. It is recommended to wear sportswear. The user must avoid that their hair or any accessories worn may constitute, getting caught, danger for themselves or others (foulards, hoods, earrings, belts, bags with straps etc.). It is therefore necessary to store any valuables such as glasses, precious, coins, keys, in a safe place to avoid loss or damage during the course.
  7. It is compulsory the use of closed footwear, better if sports type.
  8. It is forbidden to introduce or lead in the pet park
  9. Smoking is prohibited throughout the "TRIESTE ADVENTURE PARK" area.
  10. It is forbidden to introduce or take alcoholic beverages in the whole area of the TRIESTE ADVENTURE PARK.
  11. Access to the routes is allowed only during the opening hours of the park and reserved exclusively to the customers of the same in possession of valid entrance ticket.
  12. The entrance fee includes:
    1. Use of PPE (complete harness of lanyards, carabiners and pulley, helmet);
    2. Initial introductory Course during which the user will have to learn how to safely use the systems and the individual equipment;
    3. R.C. insurance coverage;
    4. Supervision and intervention of staff in the eventuality of need;
    5. The delivery of the PPE safety equipment (personal protective devices) for a maximum duration of 2 ½ hours. Any delays in the delivery of the equipment, will have a cost according to the tariff;
    6. The PPE will be delivered to the participants after delivery to the cashier of a valid recognition document which will be returned to the return of the PPE.
  13. It is absolutely forbidden to leave the park area with the safety equipment.
  14. Access to the routes must follow a progressive order of difficulty. To access the more challenging routes, one must have completed, without difficulty, the easier ones. Participants who have reached their their own limit during a route, are prohibited from taking more difficult routes. In case of need, do not hesitate to ask for advice or request assistance from the staff in charge.
  15. On each game can access 1 (one) single person at a time while on the platforms can access maximum 3 (three) people at once.
  16. For safety reasons, access to structures is permitted to persons whose body weight is less than 130 kg (centrothirty kilograms).
  17. Children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult following them from the ground or, where deemed appropriate, in the trees. Adults have an obligation to supervise the children and ensure that the safety rules are followed. An adult may accompany on the trees a maximum of two children under the age of 14. Children under the age of 6, must be accompanied, supervised and helped at all times by an adult. Adults accompanying minors assume responsibility for the latter.
  18. The participation of children under 18 years of age must be authorized by parents or an adult who assumes responsibility for them.
  19. It Is FORBIDDEN to shake or to voluntarily sway the tools or to have a conduct that can in any way endanger oneself and/or others.
  20. It is forbidden to throw stones and/or objects, paper or any other waste on the ground.
  21. For all users and visitors of the "TRIESTE ADVENTURE PARK", it is allowed to move within the area only by following the specially marked paths. It is strictly forbidden to enter other areas, especially if marked.
  22. It is absolutely forbidden to stop or walk at the games or platforms.
  23. For groups and schoolchildren/students, their companions/organizers are responsible.
  24. The Trieste Adventure Park reserves the right to suspend and remove from the games, without any reimbursement, users who put at risk in any way their own safety and that of others.
  25. In case of adverse weather conditions the Management of "TRIESTE ADVENTURE PARK" reserves the right to close the facilities and the related routes, with delivery of a gift certificate to each customer who has entered less than one hour.
  26. The paths are closed 45 minutes before the closing time to allow the users to terminate in peace and security the path started.

The user's failure to comply with any of the above safety regulations, with commission or omission, due to incompetence and/or imprudence, exacts Zero Gravity S.S.D. A R.L., owner of the Trieste Adventure Park, from any responsibility.